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Lifes Clues by Angela Santomero book Transform your idea into a brilliant kids' show with Angela Santomero

Life Clues

Unlocking The Lessons to An Exceptional Life

Life Clues is a game-changing book for adults that weaves together Angela Santomero’s extensive knowledge and experience, imparting what she has learned from the innocent, yet brilliant minds of children.

Featuring 20 insights that are both sensible and inspirational, Angela opens the playbook so that we too can create the life we were meant to live.

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Radical Kindness by Angela Santomero powerful insights to change the world

Radical Kindness

The Life Changing Power of Giving and Receiving


When you treat yourself and others with radical kindness, life changing benefits follow. Join the movement to heart-see and change the way we look at the world. 

Angela’s shows are upon the idea for kids to grow up believing in themselves, taking care of themselves, and then radiating kindness out into the world.  Adults, too, can follow a series of small, powerful actions, to achieve a more fulfilled, happy, healthy and successful life.

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Preschool Clues by angela santomero empower your family's screen time

Preschool Clues

Ditch the guilt about your child’s screen time.


You don’t need to feel guilty about the media your kids consume. In fact, you can make empowered, research-baked decisions about the media your family enjoys. 

Bring your preschooler’s favorite characters into daily life, and use the media they digest as another effective tool in your parenting tool belt.

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kids books by angela santomero

Kids Books By Angela

Over 2 decades instilling confidence in my preschool viewers


Help the young ones in your life learn critical thinking skills, foster empathy, and nurture their sense of self-worth…all while having fun! 

Explore Angela’s publications based on some of her most beloved kid’s TV Show Characters, like Blue, Daniel Tiger, Super Why & more

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Angela Santomero helping creators develop kids' shows with global brand potential
Princess Penelope's Purple Purse of Preposterous Things

Angela’s Latest Kids Show

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